Highline United Methodist Church
13015 1st Ave S.  Burien, WA  98168

Phone: 206-241-5520

Our church is wheel-chair accessable for those needing this feature.

About Us
Mission Statement

Invite new people into the Church where they will discover and receive forgiveness and transformation through Christ, feel the warmth of welcome and want to return. 
Provide opportunity for all participants to be part of the Body of Christ. 
Support, nurture, and encourage spiritual transformation of all true faiths in Jesus Christ by providing appropriate resources and opportunities.
Recognize and serve the needs of the community in the name of Christ.

We welcome everyone to come,  worship with us.

Our church is a multi-cultural organization with numerous ethnic regions of the world represented.

Open hearts, Open minds, Open doors.

We were called by God and continue to listen to the Holy Spirit as leading us.

Our church is God's house and all are welcome.

Prospective New Members
We welcome new members and stand ready to confirm your special date for your joining service.  Make arrangements through Pastor Jenny who will also arrange for whatever preparation meetings you may need. 
We also welcome those who choose not to join but who simply wish to worship and fellowship with us when they can.

Email: office.highlineumc@gmail.com
