Highline United Methodist Church is dedicated to worldwide missions to bring the word of our Savior, Jesus Christ to all parts of our globe.  We at HUMC have entered into into a Covenant with Dr. Simeon Kambandj Kasongo Kashala.  Dr. Simeon Kambandj Kasongo Kashala has devoted his medical work to a mission in the Congo.  We are proud of this association, and pray for its continued success .

In addition to fully paying our UMC-wide apportionments, which support national and international missions, our faithful participation in all of the special donations, including additional UMCOR extraordinary offerings when disasters occur, we also are active in supporting various local and regional missions.

Donation containers are located in our narthex for:
1.  Operation Night watch ("Sock It to the Homeless" annual sock drive)
2.  The White Center Foodbank (supplemented by our monthly cash gift)
3.  Seattle's Orion Center/Youth Care (blankets and warm clothing for homeless and street youth)
4.  Burton's Navos Domestic Violence Support -Group (craft supply items)
5.  Re-cycle containers for electronics, such as operational cell phones and light bulbs

Additionally, our United Methodist Women group, through their pledges, our Country Store, Bazaar and other fundraisers, make annual gifts to:
1.  Church of Mary Magdalene / Marrs Place
2.  Burien's Hospitality House
3.  Seattle's Atlantic Street Center (This unit is also supported by XYZ in their annual toy drive)
4.  Tacoma Community House
5.  Everett's Deaconess Children's Home
6.  Youth Care of Seattle
7.  Friends of Youth of King County - to name a few.

If you are involved in other faith-based mission projects and would like our church to partner with you, speak to Pastor Kathleen. 

We are people of faith in service to the world .

World Missions
Highline United Methodist Church
13015 1st Ave S.  Burien, WA  98168

Phone: 206-241-5520

Open hearts, Open minds, Open doors.

Email: office.highlineumc@gmail.com
